Pet Column Health2022-12-22T20:19:18-07:00

Pet Column

Pet Health

Connecting Pets, People, and
Community While Saving Lives

Dog Dementia

October 3rd, 2022|Categories: Pet Column, Pet Health|

We love old dogs. They’re calm, trained, loyal, and wise. Although they sometimes need a bit more care for age-related ailments, they are worth it. The physical challenges of age are easier for many families to understand and manage than the mental changes in their elderly dog.

It’s heartbreaking when your beloved old dog goes outside one day and doesn’t know how to return to the house. She stands in the yard until someone brings her back. She starts having accidents. She doesn’t recognize people she’s known forever. She forgets things she was taught as a puppy. It’s puzzling when she paces and barks at nonexistent threats.

Booty Scootin’

August 1st, 2022|Categories: Pet Behavior, Pet Column, Pet Health|

Every dog does things that are cringe-worthy. Humping, licking those places, sniffing crotches, gagging (causing the mad dash to get outside), and yes… scooting our butts across the carpet or grass. Whether we choose to scoot in the middle of your dinner party or while you’re enjoying a cup of coffee- it’s something you probably wish would stop. 

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