Last to be Picked


Were you ever the last kid picked in gym class? Remember how that felt? There are several of us cats here at Second Chance who feel just like that. Adult cats are a great addition to your family. We have learned our manners, are usually happy lounging in a sunny spot, and don’t stage random attacks (like kittens do). 

For us, friends come and go here at the shelter, but we are still waiting. There is no clear reason for this, and certainly not our fault. We have lovely demeanors, stunning looks and lack any annoying habits. We aren’t sure why we haven’t found our families, so we’re making this plea to you: please give us a chance. Almost everything you’ll read here is true.

Last to be Picked2022-11-22T09:11:04-07:00

Can We Talk About Humping?


Humans have several socially acceptable ways of greeting each other… a smile, a handshake, a hug. You definitely would not be invited back if you did what many dogs do as part of social interactions. Yes, we’re talking about humping.

Can We Talk About Humping?2022-11-22T09:12:03-07:00

So, You Want to Help Kittens


What is happening?!? There are kittens downstairs, upstairs, and in the front room right now! And, I just heard the phone ring with another person who has kittens they want to bring in. My caregivers here at the Second Chance Cat Castle need help with all these cute little babies- since most of them are not ready to move to their forever home yet. “Kitten season” is in full swing!

So, You Want to Help Kittens2022-11-22T09:11:04-07:00

The Story of Shay Shay…The Eyes Have It


Sometimes you think someone is right for you, but you end up going in a completely different direction. This happens in both romance and pet adoptions.

When Janie and Steve Goldberg of Telluride lost their beloved DeeDee, The One- Eyed Dog, they were devastated. Steve wanted to wait to bring another canine family member into their home, but Janie thought it might help to heal their hearts to adopt another dog sooner rather than later.

The Story of Shay Shay…The Eyes Have It2023-04-19T08:44:37-06:00

How Hard is it to Walk a Dog?


Walking peacefully along a path with your best friend; you are enjoying the fresh air, your dog is sniffing the grass and greeting other dogs. This is what every human hopes for when you venture out for a walk. Sometimes, it doesn’t quite work out. Walking a dog can be one of life’s greatest joys, but it also can be stressful, anxiety-inducing, and downright infuriating if your dog is not well trained on a leash.

How Hard is it to Walk a Dog?2022-11-22T09:08:33-07:00

Why Dogs are the Best Pets


I saw last week’s pet column, “Why Cats are the Best Pets”, and I was confused. Why would anyone question the superiority of canine companionship? When you see all the funny, playful, adorable, loyal dogs here at Second Chance, you might want to adopt them all! Here are just a few of countless reasons why a dog is the very best pet.

Loyalty. Dogs are there for you no matter what you’re going through (unlike a cat or a person). A dog will love you unconditionally. We’re good listeners and will never judge you for confessing your embarrassing secrets. Dogs are there for you.

Why Dogs are the Best Pets2022-11-22T09:11:04-07:00

Why Cats are the Best Pets


When you are adding a pet to your family, you might be deciding between a dog or a cat. The choice is obvious- go feline. I have many attractive, playful, loving, and loyal friends here at Second Chance who would be perfect. Why are cats the best? Here are just a few reasons.

Cats are great lap warmers. Whether you’re working at home, reading a good book, looking out the window, lounging on the patio- a cat will be happy sitting right there on your lap. We are champion nappers- most of us sleep up to 16 hours a day! 

Why Cats are the Best Pets2022-11-22T09:11:04-07:00

What’s Really Happening with Pandemic Pet Surrenders?


You may be wondering (we’ve been asked): Are people truly surrendering the pets they adopted during the pandemic?

We’ve seen reports in newspapers and magazines that shelters are overwhelmed by pandemic pet surrenders and are running out of space and resources. 

Here in our region, we have not experienced a spike in surrenders related to pandemic pets being returned. The vast majority of our adopting families have done their homework, considered the commitment, made an informed decision to add a pet to their home, and are not undertaking adoption on a whim. In fact, we’ve seen no evidence that pets adopted in 2020 or 2021 were returned to us at any higher rate than we typically see.

What’s Really Happening with Pandemic Pet Surrenders?2023-08-31T09:11:54-06:00

Volunteer Love


Believe it or not, there are people who willingly spend time cleaning litter boxes, teaching rambunctious puppies good manners, holding cats during medical procedures, walking dogs, teaching frightened cats to trust people, scooping dog poop, bottle feeding tiny kittens every few hours, reading with pets and kids at schools, and holding leashes at adoption events. Oh, and they don’t get paid (unless you count tail wags, puppy kisses, or purrs).  These are the noble, loving, generous species known as volunteers. They come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and talents, but they all have one thing in common. They want to make the world a better place- one pet at a time.

Volunteer Love2024-01-31T14:22:32-07:00

Cat Body Language


Spring is here and you know what that means…yep, time to adopt a new cat into your family! Knowing that the transition from newcomer to treasured family member can take a bit of time, I’m here to help you read the signals your cat is giving to make the transition more smooth.

Cat Body Language2022-11-22T09:08:33-07:00
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