Mr. Microchip is Your Friend


Jelly Bean here, a homeless kitty at the Second Chance Humane Society Shelter. I am one of many pets at Second Chance who arrived without any identification, making it rather difficult for me to be returned to my family. So today’s Pet Column lesson is one word. Microchip. And for y’all that spell it as two words…well you are wrong.

Mr. Microchip is Your Friend2024-01-31T14:20:24-07:00

Socially Conscious Sheltering


My name is Florence Brightengale. Recently my person passed away and so I am going through two difficult transitions of missing him and being homeless. But fortunately my person made arrangements for me to be cared for by Second Chance until they can find me a new home. I learned Second Chance is a partner of an animal-welfare model in Colorado that hopes to be the future of the industry. It is called Socially Conscious Sheltering and it is very good for pets like me.

Socially Conscious Sheltering2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

Ban Breed Discrimination


Breed discrimination is just that, discrimination, and those that suffer the most from it are Bull breeds. I was dumped, along with my pup, at the front gate of the Second Chance Humane Society shelter. We were underweight and clearly poorly cared for. I am not saying my hardships were due to my breed, but I certainly won’t rule it out. So today’s Pet Column is dedicated to addressing misperceptions about my breed.

Ban Breed Discrimination2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

Guide to Human Behavior


Hi my name is Hershey, although sweeter than a hot cup of cocoa on a cold wintry day. I am a 6 month-young mini-Aussie rescued from a puppy mill. I have never shared life with humans before but, being young, curious and resilient I have already discovered enough to see it would be the life for me. So today I share tips for other homeless dogs about successfully living with humans.

Guide to Human Behavior2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

The “Right” Dog


Making a decision to adopt a dog is a serious process resulting in a lifetime-commitment and responsibility. After pushing through the ping ponging whirlwind of doubt and clarity and signing the adoption form most new dog parents discover that they have made one of the best choices of their lives. But for some “adopter’s remorse” can set in, like waking up with a big hangover in the wrong bed wondering “what have I done?!?”

The “Right” Dog2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

Pick up the #2


So the other day I was walking down Main Street and some normal looking dude stopped, defecated on the sidewalk and walked away like nothing happened. I couldn’t believe it - and his wife acted as though it didn’t even happen. So there was this stinking pile just left on the sidewalk all exposed and abandoned – waiting to be squashed by the shoe of an unknowing pedestrian. Needless to say it was rather disturbing to witness.

Pick up the #22024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

The Zoomies


My name is Ferris. I am a handsome and intelligent 2 year young German Shepherd mix, and I am a Zoomier. Or perhaps I should say I am a dog who gets the zoomies. Or maybe there is simply no proper grammar for this state of being. But if you have a zoomier you will know exactly what I am talking about.

The Zoomies2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

Parenting vs Alpha-ing


While waiting to be adopted I have been reading Temple Grandin’s book, Animals Make Us Human. As a cat I am particularly fond of this book title. The content was even juicier. It introduced research that challenged the long accepted “alpha male” paradigm of dog training and parenting. It highlighted that in the wild wolves do not naturally function through wolf packs structured by dominance hierarchies but from peaceful family units. It answers the controversial question regarding whether dogs are better suited to live with parental figures or alpha pack leaders…

Parenting vs Alpha-ing2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

The Pet Parenting Philosophy


My name is Bailey, an energetic one year young homeless Heelixer (Heeler mix) puppy. Today I write about what it really means when you make a decision to bring a pet into your life. I don’t want to preach but I do want to promote the pet parenting philosophy that my friends here at Second Chance Humane Society believe in. They agree with me that if this philosophy were embraced by all there would no longer be a need for animal shelters.

The Pet Parenting Philosophy2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00

Angel’s Story


Some stories are hard to tell. They need to be told anyway, because they need to be heard. This is one such story. Not all stories have happy endings, but Angel and her devoted team of people are working hard to make this story turn out much better. And, although we are only at the beginning of this story, it has already significantly improved.

Angel’s Story2024-01-31T14:20:23-07:00
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