Read about your pet’s health and how to manage it.

Are Those Kittens Orphans?


It’s that time of year again. We are not talking about mud season, spring blossom time, or plan-your-garden season. We want to talk about Kitten

Are Those Kittens Orphans?2023-04-24T16:03:13-06:00

Helping Our Neighbors


Access to veterinary care is something that many of our neighbors struggle with. To our south and west are two communities where vet care is

Helping Our Neighbors2024-01-31T14:29:42-07:00

Veterinary Care for the Community


This is the fourth in a series of Pet Columns highlighting our 2022 Impact Statistics. Our belief: “Pets and People Live Better Together” is fundamental

Veterinary Care for the Community2023-04-10T13:19:19-06:00

Happy Tails


If you just read the title of this pet column, you’re probably expecting stories of pets finding happy homes. We love those stories. However, today

Happy Tails2023-04-10T13:19:20-06:00

Feral Cats & TNR


This is the second in a series of Pet Columns highlighting our 2022 Impact Statistics. You’ve seen them, wondered if they had food, hoped they

Feral Cats & TNR2023-02-20T12:05:29-07:00

Dog Dementia


We love old dogs. They’re calm, trained, loyal, and wise. Although they sometimes need a bit more care for age-related ailments, they are worth it. The physical challenges of age are easier for many families to understand and manage than the mental changes in their elderly dog.

It’s heartbreaking when your beloved old dog goes outside one day and doesn’t know how to return to the house. She stands in the yard until someone brings her back. She starts having accidents. She doesn’t recognize people she’s known forever. She forgets things she was taught as a puppy. It’s puzzling when she paces and barks at nonexistent threats.

Dog Dementia2022-11-22T09:15:14-07:00

Can Cats Eat People Food?


We cats are curious creatures, exploring our surroundings and perhaps your food. Sometimes our people also give us treats or tastes from the table, which makes us happy. But we don’t have the same digestive system as humans or dogs. 

Can Cats Eat People Food?2022-11-22T09:15:14-07:00

Hairy Dogs & Hot Weather


Just as we thought summer was winding down, the temperature is again near 100 degrees. Summers are hotter and longer than they used to be, which makes me wonder- is it too hot here for furry dogs? 

Hairy Dogs & Hot Weather2022-11-22T09:15:14-07:00

Booty Scootin’


Every dog does things that are cringe-worthy. Humping, licking those places, sniffing crotches, gagging (causing the mad dash to get outside), and yes… scooting our butts across the carpet or grass. Whether we choose to scoot in the middle of your dinner party or while you’re enjoying a cup of coffee- it’s something you probably wish would stop. 

Booty Scootin’2022-11-22T09:16:04-07:00
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