Second Chance Humane Society Presents: “Our Extraordinary Connection to Animals”, June 8, 2023 from 5-7 pm at the Wilkinson Library in Telluride.

“You act like an animal.” If you understand anything about animals, this is a high compliment. As modern humans, we have suppressed those things that make us animal-like, such as being open to connections and intuition. The opportunity to experience an extraordinary connection to animals is possible if we are willing to relax, open our minds, discard expectations, listen to instinct, and let the flow of nature and joy come in.

Ruby and Hachi are a great example of a human/animal bond that changed both lives for the better. Ruby’s Mom, Amy Irvine, wrote a poignant and inspiring account of how Ruby suffered from severe nighttime epileptic seizures prior to Hachi (her service dog), joining the family. Amy’s story tells of the miraculous change that came about when this remarkable dog became an integral part of their lives. Amy writes, “Leave it to the Labrador Retriever—the most fetching of the dog breeds—to retrieve my kid’s lost and shaken soul.”

Other animals present honest, soulful connections and help heal. Horses are hyper-vigilant animals, detecting the slightest sound, smell, or movement. Horses can sense the emotions and intentions of those around them. With a heart rate half that of a human, the presence of a horse naturally relaxes a person’s nervous system. Horses also have an innate ability to react to a person’s energy, and often the cues they give can set the groundwork for healing and recovery. Erin Cain of Grace Reins has built her life around helping others heal through interacting and working with rescued mustangs. Her stories of connections between horses and people are based in trust. She offers guidance and a connection to the calming energy of horses and allows her visitors to heal from the gentle and calm space that only a horse can provide.  She says, “Horses are sentient beings. When we allow ourselves to be in that gentle space, we can find ourselves again.”

Please join Second Chance for a special evening of stories, sharing, and connections. Erin, Amy, Ruby, and Hachi will join us, to give an in-person account of “Our Extraordinary Connection to Animals”. Plan to be at the Wilkinson Library in Telluride on June 8th from 5-7 pm.

Amy Irvine is an essayist and author of several nonfiction books. Her work has received the Orion Book Award, Ellen Meloy Desert Writers Award, and Colorado Book Award. Amy lives off-grid with her husband, daughter, and several rescue animals in southwest Colorado.

Erin Cain is a Path Certified Equine Therapeutic Riding Instructor and Equine Specialist in mental health and learning. At her ranch on Iron Springs Mesa, she welcomes individuals and families with emotional challenges to connect with her rescued mustangs.