Cuddly, aloof, playful, reserved, vocal, quiet, curious, lazy, social, independent… every cat is different. A cat’s personality can be that of a fuzzy lap warmer or a calm, independent observer. There are many things to consider when choosing a new feline family member.
The first decision should be if you want a kitten, a young cat, or a mature cat.
Kittens can be a lot of work, and they provide hours of entertainment and joy. Adopting two kittens doubles the fun while giving them a playmate and companion. Kittens get into everything, so they need close supervision for their safety.
A young cat still has some of a kitten’s energy and playfulness but is likely more predictable. They will have years to be your companion and friend.
Adult and senior cats are often overlooked by adopters. An adult cat will likely present fewer surprises in temperament and behavior. However, a quiet cat in a shelter environment might turn into a playful, social butterfly when comfortable in a home.
When deciding what personality is best, consider your lifestyle. Confident cats who entertain themselves might be best if you work long hours. A lap warmer who wants to be with you all the time would be best if you work from home or are retired. If you want a shop cat or barn cat, pick an independent, less-social cat. Whichever choice, all cats require daily care. They need fresh food and water, companionship, and attention.
Color and markings might matter to you- maybe you’re a black cat lover, have always loved blue-eyed cats, are partial to tabbies, or prefer a ginger cat. Whatever color you pick, hair length is a more important consideration. Decide if you can care for a long-haired cat who requires frequent brushing, or if you are better suited to a short-haired cat who can be brushed less frequently.
Want a silly, playful, entertaining, young cat? Peter Pan is quirky, moves quickly, and talks all the time. Someone with an extremely good sense of humor will be his perfect human. He does show signs of cerebellar hypoplasia and will need to remain an indoor-only cat.
If you are looking for a shop cat, consider independent, quiet, observant Tulip. She would be a great mouser for a workshop or somewhere she is safe indoors. She is shy, but friendly when she gets to know you. She mostly keeps to herself.
Want a beautiful blue-eyed cat with long hair who loves to be brushed? Daisy is a petite beauty who is shy at first but soon will rub against your legs and ask for loves.
Ben is a cat who will be a lap warmer and keep you company while you go about your day. He’s young, handsome, playful, and loves attention.
We have so many cats and kittens who are waiting for the right homes. Our shelter staff spends hours every day with them. They know their personalities, quirks, and preferences, and are happy to help you pick the right addition(s) to your family. Visit during adoption hours or email
For thirty years, the Animal Resource Center and Shops of Second Chance Humane Society have been serving Ouray, San Miguel, and Montrose Counties. Our adoption hours are from Wednesday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You can view our shelter pets and services online at Connecting Pets, People, and Community While Saving Lives.
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